If we lose, we all go down.

Banning grouse shooting appeals to the politics of envy and this is a weapon in the Labour parties arsenal. It’s easy to sell rich toffs blasting birds out of the sky for their sport and fun. Remember how Labour assured shooting their sport was safe back in 2004 to smooth the passage of a hunting ban?

And yet by 2010 concerns of shooting started to appear in their election manifestos.

And who do you think goads them? – The image you see below was taken from Mark Avery tweeting his Labour membership card to the Labour Party in 2015 just before the general election that was held in that year. He campaigns to ban grouse shooting and wants Labour to include this in their manifesto.

He said in the tweet, ‘remember me’ in reference to him hiding the RSPB report from the public at a government inquiry in 2000 enabling Labour to con the public into believing the fox is not a pest and folk killed them for fun and sport.

Of course if the public read that the RSPB killed 500 foxes in a year to protect birds then they would see the fox is a bloody menace and needs controlling and Labours lies would be exposed, hence the cover up.

Avery was also great mates with the Labour Defra minister a vegetarian going by the name of Elliot Morley. He was a total fool and had bought into the lies from the animal rights brigade that somehow foxes controlled their own numbers in the UK , hence why his belief the fox is not a pest, and hence why Avery is hiding the RSPB report from the public at a Government inquiry.

Morley had a research assistant paid for by the Political animal Lobby (PAL) they bank rolled Labour for 1 million quid to ban hunting. IFAW started PAL and they also paid for Morley to go on a seal watching holiday.

Morley was eventually banged up for fiddling expenses notably after he called fox hunters immoral.

Here’s the rub folks, our little fight with Packham is not just about circuses and Tigers. Clearly I know quite alot and have been getting under the three amigos skin for a very long time over hunting and shooting as well.

Hence why Packham is trying to shut us up for his mates on the dark side to continue unabated in meddling in Fieldsports affairs. We believe he is trying to price us out of telling the truth with high court costs by what is known as a SLAPP. It’s used by the wealthy to silence the little man in the street from telling the truth. One day this grotesque abuse of democracy will be history but not in time for us.

My little spat with Avery at the time was over grouse shooting and yet I’m hearing back folk from this area of shooting are not donating because this is just about tigers? Or they claim a personal spat between opposing views?

If you want folk to carry on telling the truth and exposing the dark side I’m afraid it will cost because they will use whatever means at their disposal to shut folk up. They want it so only they are the ones heard in the court of public opinion.

So please donate.

And if you have donated thank you, please pass on too others.
