What I see Priti Patel

What I see Priti Patel


The police claim to be impartial over hunting. However they police a situation where hunts are legally allowed to go about their business and are pursued and harassed by hunt saboteurs looking to disrupt the day anyway possible. They then follow that up with slander and smears on social media. To even that out hunt supporters should be allowed to follow and harass a Saboteur going about his/her business during the course of a normal day i.e. going to work, shopping , meeting friends etc. Given this is not the case, the police should be heavily biased towards the hunts, given this sadly is also not the case, it’s true to say the police are biased towards the saboteur.

What I see from the list of monitors above – Nazism in its purest form and hiding behind “doing it for animals” providing the perfect get out of jail free card.

Largely all vegans, the cult diet gives them the sense of superiority, a belief in their will power, they are in their minds the new super race and even have their own identifiable uniform.

Left wing extremists who have their own set of views and values on how the world should be run, they smear their opponents publicly. The ineffective and totally useless Tory MPs stand by and watch their rural core supporters very publicly abused and labelled as criminals, sadists, child abusing psychopaths. There is no hate speech to consider, after all…… they’re doing it for animals, remember.

These Nazis will never have had animals to actually look after (maybe a cat) and won’t know the first thing about animal welfare. They won’t know what it’s like too be breaking the ice on the water troughs at 5:30 on a freezing winter morn. They know a keyboard and wait for the next social media pile on , that’s all the they know.

Lots of entities specially arranged to beat from the same drum so they can attack, giving the idea of many, if one gets caught out lying or arrested and found guilty, nothing to do with us governor the rest will say and carry on as before.

It’s a perfect scam – with gofundme pages raising cash and the cause totally irrelevant in terms of animal welfare, foxes are still killed regardless of the ban.

The scam works in a simplistic unashamedly open form, just say hunts are going out fox hunting and that’s illegal and repeat often.

Horrible little mouth pieces in the left wing press ( Independent, Guardian, Daily Mirror, ITV news) hang off the sidelines waiting for any opportunity to twist a situation to fit the narrative and report the suffering and misery of decent people as some sort of victory for these bullies and cowards.


All under your watchful gaze home secretary.

Animal crime groups – left wing fraudsters

The sad reality of a democracy is the left conjure up a frauds that portray themselves as concerned members of society in an endless battle against those they claim are simply wrong. Of course they are not wrong they just have different views but presenting them as criminals and forever keeping an eye on them is all part of the fantasy of these absolute nutcases. From moorland groups to Hunt saboteurs, all one big con, they do nothing for wildlife, this is purely political with the aim of showing the Tories in worst possible light.

The truth is much different, one gamekeeper will do more in an afternoon for wild life than these deranged lunatics will do in a year of their nazi style spying on normal folk going about their business.

“A skilled drag trailer will be able to duplicate the kind of day experienced by most foxhunts” – LACS 2000

Proof charities like the LeagueACS or limited companies like Hunt Sabs association ltd are nothing more than scams was uncovered recently.

The information at the bottom under “ League submission to govt inquiry” was found in the LeagueACS submission to a Government inquiry in 2000. 

This clearly shows the suggestion by the LeagueACS  was to mimic fox hunting as closely as possible to give the followers and riders a similar day out to live quarry hunting in the event of a ban. 

A skilled drag trailer will be able to duplicate the kind of day experienced by most foxhunts”

After the ban was implemented and by no coincidence the League’s new initiative for a money spinning cause just targeting shooting was not taking off and their membership was dropping. So in spectacular,  follow the money fashion they started accusing hunts of illegal hunting when all the hunts did was to implement their own suggested post ban alternative. 

This did present a wee problem for the League as they had now become a charity and trespassing all over farmers land claiming they’re  preventing a crime when conviction rates are so minuscule is not going to wear  at the commission. 

So they packed their field operatives up to Scotland where laws of trespass are virtually non existent and in England and Wales they hung off the coat tails of the Hunt Saboteurs Association limited (HSA ltd) and reported their news or pestered police for more pointless prosecutions not linked to their own investigators. 

The HSA ltd thought ahead and got around this little inconvenience of trespass by getting their quarterly magazine (HOWL) turned into a charity. Meanwhile the business HSA ltd one of a portfolio of businesses run by wannabe tycoon Aubrey Thomas can trespass at will and report the events in the charity magazine HOWL without repercussions. 

Aubrey is a shrewd businessman and hunt saboteur overlord, he knows how the ‘believers’ tick and even tells them to remain focused in the magazine. 

He recently partnered with abillion a vegan food app that promotes and provides financial support for hunt saboteur activity and at the same time helps his own vegan food businesses. 

Abillion received financial support from Freedom foods and their investors includes one of the worlds richest men Bill Gates. He has in the last few days been actively promoting the idea rich nations scrap beef production in place of a plant based alternative as well as donating lots of money for fake news stories in the left wing Guardian newspaper. 

So Bill Gates indirectly is making rural folks lives a complete misery. Think about that when you decide if an Apple Mac will do the job. You too have a choice. 

League submission to govt inquiry:

Uptake of horse related activities are likely to increase if there is no association with hunting.

Drag hunting would, at a stroke, remove all the main objections the majority of people have against live quarry hunting. It is, as David Macdonald says, benign. It will ensure that hunts and hounds only go where they are welcome and the hunt can be custom-made according to the skill of the riders. As MacMillan shows, horse numbers rise where hunting no longer takes place. With a hunting ban, drag hunting will no longer have an association with the persecution of a wild animal. It has the potential to replace and attract a far higher level of participation than current hunting.

A common claim from the hunting lobby is that drag hunting is a completely different sport to live quarry chasing. They claim that drag hunting is fast and furious and cannot be enjoyed by nervous or novice riders. Live quarry hunting, and fox hunting in particular, is a stop/go affair. Riders rarely see the fox and spend most of their time waiting for the hounds to locate a scent. Either they then ride off in pursuit of the hounds or they move on to a new area in the hope that the hounds will be luckier that time. For most riders hunting is about riding into the countryside, chasing across a few fields or woodland for a couple of miles, resting and waiting and socialising. This process goes on for several hours, often with no kill, but with plenty of opportunity to ride at speed, stop, recover, chat and repeat the process. It is a very social sport and there is no reason why drag hunting should not duplicate this.

A skilled drag trailer will be able to duplicate the kind of day experienced by most foxhunts, but without the cruelty. An article which appeared in Countryman’s Weekly gave an account of an artificial scent laid for an unsuspecting foxhunt by a terrier man. His account of the day’s hunt concluded: ‘It had been the hunt of the season. Later that evening there was a knock on my door. Opening it revealed the master clutching a bottle of whisky. “What a marvelous hunt!” he enthused. “He (the imagined fox) was a cunning old devil, wasn’t he?” “Yes,” I agreed.’ The article is reproduced as Appendix 9 to this submission.

Hunt Saboteur Squeaks

Given hunt Saboteurs have decided to covertly obtain webinars and minutes of hunting meetings and make them available online we thought we would do the same to them. We obtained a copy of their magazine HOWL and will place a few interesting bits online.

Important information – The LACS are a charity thus habitually trespassing and claiming prevention of crime with successful prosecutions in the range of minuscule will wear thin at the Charity Commission, So LACS packed its monitors off to Scotland where trespassing is virtually non existent.
To overcome this little inconvenience of trespass the HSA ltd turned their quarterly magazine (HOWL) into a charity. Meanwhile the business HSA ltd one of a portfolio of businesses run by Hunt Saboteur overlord Aubrey Thomas can trespass at will and report the events in the charity magazine HOWL without repercussions.

 The following is taken from an article called ‘single minded focus’ and is about the benefits of affiliated saboteur groups plaguing just one hunt. *As is obvious from the opening paragraphs the objective is to generate bad publicity against a particular Hunt so it might be worth contacting local news editors to explain exactly how they are being manipulated into destroying perfectly legitimate businesses.

Hunt Saboteurs affiliated to HSA ltd get it wrong again.

Hunt Saboteur groups affiliated to the Hunt Saboteurs Assoc, a limited company part of a portfolio of businesses run by wannabe tycoon and saboteur overlord Aubrey Thomas are getting it all wrong again.

If you recall these are the same saboteur groups that called for the prosecution of an ex-policeman working for the Countryside alliance after he spoke of creating a smokescreen in a Hunt training webinar. What they forget to inform the public is the ex-policeman starts off his webinar session by stating “For anyone that’s listening that shouldn’t be, this is legal hunting we are talking about”. The smokescreen he refers to is exaggerating the trail laying so saboteurs can see it is happening. Ie. Don’t lay trails at 5:00 in the morning when nobody is around.

Well these same deceivers and withholders of information were at it again. This time they are justifying their fanaticism by pushing the below minutes of a meeting held by Hunt officials of TiHUK.

According to Hunt Saboteurs police arrived on the scene, the hunt stopped what it was doing and laid two trails and recorded the action. The trail laying was then shown to the police already in attendance and they were fooled into thinking the trail laying they had just witnessed took place earlier in the day.

Anyone see a huge problem?

How about the hunt stopped when the police turned up, they then explained to the police officers they are following a pre laid trail. They then gave the police two live demonstrations on how they record and lay trails for future reference. Of course reason is not a strong trait of a fundamentalist.

A Letter to Devon & Cornwall police

The following was sent to the Devon and Cornwall police today and shows a copy of a letter sent to the D&C Police commissioner. If you have concerns the police are only serving extremists and standing by as good people have their lives and businesses ruined please copy the letter and express you concern to your MP and the D&C commissioner.


Dear Sir/ Madam,

In regard to the Mark Hankinson case I note you say in the media the following: 

“Devon and Cornwall Police asked the public to not speculate about the case on social media as discussion of a live case could break some court laws”

Sadly that request is not possible as you can see from my letter to the PCC below. If the police force is only there to serve extremists who make good people’s lives a misery and ruin their businesses, then I think the public have a right to know.

Yours Sincerely 

Letter to D&C commissioner

Dear Commissioner,

I have grave concerns over the investigation and subsequent court appearance of Mark Hankinson concerning those hunting webinars. 

During the course of last year we reported on the online bullying, harassment and intimidation of a number of small rural businesses by animal rights extremists. The businesses were targeted by a swarm of extremists who leave bad reviews and foul comments. This, because they were linked to a legal pest control activity. In addition businesses, because they were run by the same family ie a child’s nursery they were also targeted with the same abuse and folk using the nursery were abused online as well. These cases we reported on are the tip of the iceberg. 

So we knew a lot of this abuse was encouraged from “Stop the cull” face book site and let the owners know of the nursery and to contact the police. So what did the police do?

NOTHING! What a familiar story.  

Here are a few comments from the lady that run the nursery. 

“Unfortunately we’ve heard nothing following reporting the crime to the police”

“Our Facebook page is still unpublished (I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to re publish it and I’m still trying to get the google reviews deleted. We’re reported to both Facebook and google but as of yet, no response. All seems very unfair”

“It really was a horrendous experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone”

Roll on 2020 and a hunt webinar has been leaked. These same extremists using the same swarming technique that wreaked havoc with rural businesses are now swarming the police with complaints. 

The police now in spectacular volte face say – we  have had a number of  complaints from members of the public, we must act. 

The same extremists they turn a blind eye to normally, how very convenient. Can you see a gigantic problem here in public confidence?

So when rural folk shun the police in the future because they only work for extremists elements of society you really will only have yourselves to blame won’t you?

Yours Sincerely

The Gestapo Against Cruel Sports

Seriously folks not even Hitler would try and pass this off as charity business. Below are highlights of the Leagues privacy policy, follow link to full text.


“The information we gather during our investigations and intelligence collection may hold some that is sensitive in nature (i.e. relates to or reveals a data subject’s racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, political opinions, relates to health or sexual orientation)

“The League has an intelligence and investigation function to support the charities objective by systematically collecting information, for the purpose of supporting the investigation team, developing intelligence and sharing with law enforcement and other suitable NGO’s details of persons suspected of committing animal related crimes or in support of League campaigns

“Our Animal Crimewatch, intelligence and investigations team will lawfully and ethically collect, process and where legally justified, share personal data in support of our campaigns for the following purposes:

1. Prevention and detection of wildlife and animal crime

2. Develop information on those suspected of wildlife and animal crime

3. In support of our campaigns

Whilst undertaking investigations for suspected animal cruelty in the name of ‘sport’, and as part of our campaign related investigations, the League will collect a variety of personal data from a number of different sources. 

“When required, personal data collected in our investigations may on occasions be shared with:

1. Law enforcement (Police / National Crime Agency / National Wildlife Crime Unit)

2. Other NGO’s (Animal Welfare Charities)

3. Other public authorities (e.g SIA/Modern Slavery/Food Crime Unit)

4. Contracted investigation services when supporting our investigations.

5. When required to comply with legal obligations.

Councillor Nick Clarke the Bolsover Bigot

A great expose of the Hunt saboteurs association ltd (HSA ltd) this week by Country Squire Magazine. How many of HSA ltd believers are wasting their miserable lives trudging through mud on a dreary rainy Saturday afternoon chasing hunts and not knowing they are giving up their free time to a limited company that is part of a portfolio of businesses run by their leader. How ironic one of those companies in the portfolio is a diesel chugging, aviation fueled haulage company, and not well known for its planet saving properties.

These useful idiots are small fry, we are interested in the enablers of this shit show – politicians, Councillors and dodgy quangos.

So who in god’s name signed off HOWL, the magazine of the HSA ltd as a registered charity? A magazine that both encourages and glorifies sabotaging legal activities?

It was such an inconceivable thought the vast majority of those connected to field sports could have never possibly imagined it would be so, and never checked. Well they know now.

For the benefit of the Charity Commission – Jay Tiernan of Stop the Cull and Innocent badger is strongly suspected of running the Hunting leaks website. He has links to Aubrey Thomas the trustee of Howl magazine and director of HSA ltd. Currently Hunting leaks has the names and addresses of Hunt subscribers/ farmers and businesses up on social media and is encouraging harassment. They already refers to them as ‘victims’. The HSA are actively promoting this website to its believers via Twitter.

All very charitable!

And what about the other enablers, far left extremists who obtain positions of authority in councils or as politicians. From this platform they are perfectly positioned to spread their venom and hatred of anyone they don’t like. Take Labour Councillor Nick Clarke, AKA the Bolsover bigot, this figure of Labour hate is on Twitter and his bio says it all ‘Socialist despise Tories and neo-liberals’.

Interesting, he despises a lot and appears consumed with it, when accused of a class war by the CA over hunting, he said.

“I plead guilty to the charge I despise those who persecute and terrorise animals in pursuit of their unadulterated bloodlust.”

Of course our anything suspected of being Tory hating Councillor would never entertain the idea he is being lied to by criminal gangs and groups with a self-interest in the filthy lucre as exposed in the above linked article.

The notion they are wholly responsible for putting foxes up by their presence in the countryside across pre-laid trail lines and into the path of hounds and then claiming to save the foxes they put in danger would not figure in the mind of a person so consumed with hate. How do I know?

Richard Course was an old Ex LACS chairman now deceased. After decades of leading the campaign to have hunting abolished he realised that fox welfare would be worse off in the event of a ban, he wrote to a government inquiry in 2000:

“Others will never realise it because, bigotry, prejudice, ignorance and class animosity blind people to the truth”

Councillor Clarke in a nut shell folks.  And he even includes the useful idiots and social misfits in his tweets.

Councillor Clarke led an utterly ridiculous motion during a worldwide pandemic to have hunting banned from about five and a half acres of car parks and allotments owned by Bolsover council. Interesting no Hunt has been anywhere near this land. However had he been successful, unbelievable the bogus charities and social misfits he represents would have called this a victory.

Alas for our hating Labour Councillor it was not to be and we were left with a memory of him spewing bile and hatred towards country folk.

“This is not the case in foxhunting, the prey is pursued by a pack of hounds followed by psychopaths in fancy dress on horseback followed by knuckle draggers.”

Councillor Clarke it appears has yet to understand the meaning of “Projection”, hint look in the mirror council Clarke.

Still he did rejoice on face book and proudly announced the council did vote to conduct an urgent Countywide and National debate on the hunting issue.

Another utterly absurd waste of time and money, The Government announced on the 12th Jan 2021

“This Government will not amend the Hunting Act”

Cue more hateful rants directed at Country folk from Councillor Clarke the Bolsover Bigot.