The Idiot Michael Russell MSP


“Trophy hunting is a bygone phrase used for ill gotten gains by animal rights groups. Its meaning these days is paying shed loads of cash for something a ranger would have to do for nothing or taking out the stag before it shags its daughters”  

An excellent working definition of trophy hunting.  Liam Stokes CA



So why am I fuming over the Scottish idiot Michael Russell’s intervention into a famed American huntress shooting for a goat curry and mutton?

During a recent investigation for an article I discovered the Scottish government had wasted roughly 50k of tax payer’s money on committee meeting, consultations, reviews etc. on banning wild animals in circuses. They spent an extraordinary amount of time listening to the concerns of the animal rights freak show that obviously wanted a ban and just a few hours were dedicated to the views of the circus folk. I say views basically the Government didn’t exactly listen but told the circus folk they are not interested in how well they cherish and look after their animals because it’s going to be banned not on welfare grounds but concerns from the animal rights groups on ethics. HOLD THAT THOUGHT!

This is where the fun starts –

To cover any welfare concerns raised by the public the animal rights groups promoted the Harris review into wild animal in circuses (2016) to Scottish MSPs. Only that was debunked on release by Prof Ted Friend, so they animal rights groups renamed it to the graduate researcher, it’s now become the “Dorning review” in Scotland. That was just in case someone found on the internet Prof Ted Friend demolition of the report under the “Harris review” and the humiliating accusations of Harris spinning his data 180 degrees.

So they eventually banned the use of wild animal in circuses on ethical concerns from animal rights groups. Two months later while investigating for an article I uncovered the animal rights groups had infiltrated the circuses and set them up by mixing up animals so they would fight, set up scenes of filth in the flesh house when folk were away and filmed that, and then let a lion partially escape so they could film that. Oh very ethical!

And guess what? All that shenanigans would have been ousted as fabrication at the time if it wasn’t for the intervention of an MP the Basildon bitch namely Baroness Smith of Basildon.

Recognise the similarity Michael Russell? Once picked up by the disgusting subhuman filth in politics, the cries of foul play went unheeded. You can read it right here in Anne chipperfields letter to the Basildon Bitch.


So no sooner has this injustice been highlighted then the Scottish idiot Michael Russell pulls the exact same stunt.

So for his information, the vast majority of Americans get only two weeks off a year. The hunters naturally time that two weeks off with their chosen quarry and method of hunting i.e. rifle or bow. Typical in one state they may take two weeks off to coincide with the two week deer rifle hunting season, but there are strict quotas on what they can shoot, if they get it wrong and kill a young deer they get fined, and if the excuse is not good enough for their incorrect identification they get fined again. The carcasses is butchered and fills the freezer and feeds the family over the winter.

So that’s why you see them smiling behind a carcass, they have worked their butts off all year for the chance of bagging Sunday lunch for the next 3 months rather than lay on a beach in Florida. I have never seen a miserable face in a picture when it comes to carving the roast beef on a Sunday have you?

Naturally some are richer and would travel further hence game in Africa or Goats in Scotland, yes because in America they do hunt goats and sheep. Notably the big horned sheep in America the permits to hunt them are auctioned for hundreds of thousands of pounds.

So what our huntress from America has done is act normal, pose behind a joint of venison or mutton and post to her many thousands of largely stateside rich hunting following the joys of hunting in Bonny Scotland, what fabulous rep for the country, brace yourself for a bonanza, well no. The blithering idiot Michael Russell along with side kick Sturgeon and the green fruit loop Mark Ruskell have just wiped out the great rep in an instant. So now a perfectly reputable Scottish family business is going to be intimated, bullied and harassed out of business. Wait for some left wing thieving con man to arrive and start the save the sheep campaign and already the huntress is receiving death threats.

Does the idiot Michael Russell think some wet lefty with his flask of tea and packed lunch is going to spend the same on eco-tourism? Wait till the obsessed bird watchers have marked off the white tailed eagle from score card and that extra 5 million will soon disappear from mull economy.

After the outright humiliation of the circuses you would have hoped MSP`s would have learnt their lesson, but once again they prove themselves to be every bit the Scottish idiots.