Jedforest injustice – Final letter to COPFS

Dear Sir,

I once again thank you for your response and taking the time to respond. You have asked for any additional information and I can respond to that, yes there is, Terry Hill faked footage to land Mary Chipperfield with a prosecution. And to make matters worse the eye witness actually saw Terry Hill hitting Lions with the metal muck rack before fixing up Mary for disciplining a chimpanzee his cohort had riled up.

The Innocence of Mary Chipperfield

The whole point being if all this information had been known by COPFS at the time of the Jedforest conviction in 2017 you would have not used his footage. Thus no collaboration, no conviction.

As it stands you have used video footage in the Jedforest case from a man that has collaborating sighed statements saying he nearly let a lion escape near a footpath where Children walk deliberately so he could film. Mixed up animals so they would fight, set up scenes of filth and kept animals locked in their dens, all so he could film, so others would get the blame. He donned others clothes to impersonate a trainer, and filmed cohorts doing the same to get victims wrongfully convicted. All the while he was running around out back hitting lions with metal muck rakes and throwing metal chairs at Tigers heads.

Terry Hill faked films resulted in a campaign of hate targeted at the Chipperfields that resulted in letters containing razor blades being delivered a jar of jam laced with arsenic being sent to Mary’s very sick mother and a letter bomb sent to her Brother. On top of that you have been shown footage of Terry Hill trying to fix up the Fife hunt by claiming no guns are present.

You are giving this man credibility by allowing the conviction to stand and encouraging other to do the same. However the vast majority of honest folk in the country will be horrified knowing they could fall victim to the cheats and liars at any moment.

Yours Sincerely

The Aldenham

Farmers beware of the Tories

It’s well established the hunting ban was brought about by Tony Blair, regardless of his mealy mouthed claims of regret later on. The stark reality is Tony Blair had not only taken a one million pound bung for the Labour party for a ban, but he himself had swallowed wholesale the lies and fake science propagated by the animal rights groups. It was only when he went on holiday and was not surrounded by the usual left wing charlatans and Machiavellians his confirmation bias lifted. He bumped into a sweet lady who corrected him over hunting, he realised he had been lied to and returned home and ordered a government inquiry. The findings of the inquiry confirmed his suspicions the claimed scientific evidence used to promote a ban was in fact a pack of lies. Of course we know the story does not end happily because although Tony Blair drags his heels over banning hunting for a while, he then uses it as a bone for his ravenous backbenchers in return for a war with Iraq.

At least farmers could sleep safe in the knowledge while a Tory party was in power such blatant skulduggery would not happen, after all the countryside is the backbone of their support, well think again.

Below is a copy of an actual letter sent to the young David Cameron when he first took office as a Member of Parliament? It details all the cheats and lies used by the animal rights group to fix up the circuses to have them humiliated and outcast. Not once did Cameron raise this letter publicly with anyone, like Blair he dragged his heels for a bit while prime minister before offering them as a sop to raise Tory credentials with the animal rights brigade.

Of course Farmers know they are already under pressure from the thieves, liars, snake oil salesman and carpet baggers from the animal rights brigade. Vegans are all over them, they will seek out that bad egg, they will doctor footage and they will drag farmers to court over something they did not do, that’s how they operate. And when with their continual and sustained wall of cheating and lying starts to sway public opinion don’t expect help from the Tory party.





Fake news Ferret & the Fife Foxhound fiasco

Hunt sabs were left fuming earlier after a dead fox that had been legally flushed and shot dead was then fed to hounds. Perthshire hunt sabs said it was terrible in the past we would claim that the gun men just shot his gun in the air while the pack of hounds savaged the live fox. But ever since the terrier man exposed us to the whole world for lying we have to tell the truth.

Robbie Bogland of the League Against cruel Sports was also fuming, he said “We helped write this blasted law and the hunts are not breaking it, that wasn’t a problem until the legacies dried up, now we are running out of cash we have to feign outrage for every shite press story to garner donations”

Bob Idiot from one kind was also outraged, he said ” I’m livid as are 101% of the public, if the sabs had made it to that dead fox they could have put it in the freezer”. The Fake news ferret asked why and was told by idiot ” Next time we take a news crew out like the BBC, one of our sabs can run around holding the dead fox while screaming and crying and saying “look what the bastards did to this poor innocent fox”.

Do you have a foxy tale for the fake news Ferret? Please send it in to this address

21, Under pants on head, Pencils up nose, BLI BAL.

PS. It doesn’t have to be foxy related folks, did you see someone driving a car and keeping within the speed limit or someone picking up litter they dropped by accident? Then phone and let us know. Remember folks everyday is fake news day.




Learning difficulties of the Anti-hunt Brigade


Many years ago my Great Grandfather was foraging in the woods, he stopped to observe a man picking mushrooms, the man took a bite from one and instantly became violent sick and began rolling around the floor in agony, my grandfather carried the man to his house but it was too late he died. My Great Grandfather ran home and told his wife and children never to eat the mushrooms in the woods as they will kill you, “tell this to your children” he said and they nodded in agreement. All that anxiety and stress of carrying the man had made him very hungry, it was time to prepare for Sunday Dinner. He built the fire but left his hand near the flame, “Ouch that hurt” he screamed. He turned to his children once again and said don’t put your hand to close to the fire, you will get burnt and it hurts. “Tell that also to your children” again they all nodded in agreement. He then went to get a chicken from the coup for Sunday Lunch but what he found was a scene of utter devastation, bits of birds here and there,  feathers scattered around but no live chickens. Damn he thought my families’ bellies will go hungry for a good few days, one chicken lasted us days and now we have none. Worst still he now knew the pleasures of the flesh would allude him as his wife will very annoyed, what kind of man cant provide for his family she scolded.

Something must be done he thought and ran to the Parish Council who were inundated with angry fathers and farmers unable to feed their families. The parish council acted upon their problems:

From Actual parish records of that period:

‘the foxes before the year 1760 made great havoc among the sheep, goat and poultry stocks but from that time on it was recorded that regular fox hunters have been employed at fixed salaries’

Several months later my Great Grandfather had acquired more chickens for the coup, he noted he never had that problem with foxes again, because:

‘fox hunters have been employed at fixed salaries’ whose diligence and skill, vast numbers of foxes have been accounted for so that the inflated population is now greatly reduced.’

……and so he turned to his children and said “If you kill the fox before it eats your chickens your bellies will be full, tell your children to kill foxes to prevent damage from happening and losses will be insignificant” they nodded in agreement.


Now that was a story about basic learning for human beings, but unbelievable left wing anti-hunt fanatics struggle with the concept. They say lamb losses to fox predation are at less than 1% and thus insignificant and the fox is not a problem. I reply the fox can’t be a problem he is dead, they can’t reason this out. They then think I’m abusive when a say they have learning difficulties or are mentally unbalanced, I’m not being abusive, I’m telling the truth, they do have learning difficulties. These are the people that constantly stick their hands in the fire throughout their entire lives.

They simply do not get it, no matter how many time you explain or how many examples are given. ASA adjudication against the RSPCA for lying in the early nineties, they only gave the first part of the sentence in a propaganda pamphlet.

“The MAFF/DEFRA does not consider foxes to be a significant factor in lamb mortality nationally, but it should be stressed that this is against a background of widespread fox control by farmers”

Oh that was in the nineties they will say.


And the Science stuff – Every Major study (1,2,) scrutinized by the Burns inquiry found farmers cull to PREVENT damage, they shoot the fox before the damage is done. They are looking to achieve low losses with widespread fox control.

Session 1C. Principle Of Utility: Evidence From Dr Piran White, University Of York

“Prevention of predation is a major reason why foxes are culled (Macdonald 1984; Produce Studies 1995; Saunders et al. 1995; Macdonald and Johnson 1996; Baker and Macdonald 2000 (2); Heydon and Reynolds 2000(1)”

Conclusion – They still wont get it, mentally unbalanced the lot of them, let Randi explain.



1, Heydon & Reynolds Game conservancy trust submission to Burns inquiry

2, Foxes and foxhunting on farms in Wiltshire Sandra E Baker, Prof D Macdonald