A message to Boris and the Conservative party

Dear Boris,

As you should know left wing extremists/cheats/liars/fraudsters and firebrands rely on a technique known as swarming. They send in multiple complaints to MPs or corporations/businesses or target individuals via email, face book, twitter or even hand written letters using bogus names and addresses and scare the living shit out of them by inferring there will be hell to pay if their demands are not met. This is collaborated by willing left wing accomplices in the press looking to stir up hatred and division to garner more news stories.

Now I wouldn’t mind if this was a relatively new phenomenon that had just started occurring through the advent of social media, but that`s rubbish. In fact this form of bullying and harassment has been going on now for 70 years, that right 70 years. It was first mentioned in the first ever Government inquiry into hunting in 1951. So Boris answer me this – In 70 years how long have the Conservatives been in power and taken no action to stamp out this corrupt way of bypassing democracy? Grow so FACKING BALLS man and do something about it for once.

Remember your hero Churchill, Boris? “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life” Well now is your turn Boris.

From a government inquiry in 1951.

‘There are, on the other hand, some organisations which have been formed solely for the purpose of securing the prohibition of a particular sport or all field sports. In the main such organisations seek to convert public opinion to their point of view by pamphlet,  advertisements and press propaganda, and by Parliamentary action instigated by pressure on Members of Parliament which is both direct and indirect, through letters which constituents are invited to send to their representatives. Such organisations do not as a rule themselves investigate the facts of the practices to which they object, and the evidence they placed before us was for the most part based on reports appearing in the Press or other publications. A great deal of it was based on reports of particular sporting events, written in the technical terms used by those taking part and capable of being misunderstood by the uninitiated. Some of it related to particular incidents which were reported in the national Press, and in regard to some of these we were able to get first-hand evidence and to find out how the actual facts had been misunderstood or exaggerated before they appeared in print. That such incidents are reported in the national Press is an indication of the extent of public interest in these matters.’