PCC of Cheshire David Keane learns the hard way


Dear David,

I have over 20 years’ experience of the Machiavellians, charlatans and snake oil sales men that form the back bone of the animal rights/anti-hunting movement.

It is my firm belief the acting chief constable Darren Martland and the Cheshire police in no way acted inappropriately in suggesting to the public that anti-hunt social media sites should be viewed with caution. If anything the acting chief constable and Cheshire police should have been commended for offering exceptionally good quality public advice.

I would also like to add the Sunday Telegraph article was wholly accurate as they had been shown videos of anti-hunt fanatics attempting to fix up a hunt, videos I assume you have not been privileged too.

I will provide you with the information shown to the Telegraph and you should know this has recently been sent to the Charity Commission as yet another bona fide compliant against the League Against Cruel Sports concerning their dishonest practices.

Before I provide you with this information, I think you should also know while you were launching your review in Dec 2018 the Charity Commission were once again back in at the League Against Cruel Sports offering guidance over serious matters. For one I know a complaint had been raised over the same misuse of social media they fell foul of in 2015. This involves telling folk foxes are killed for sport, the Charity Commission were shown the MAFF/DEFRA submission to the Burns inquiry and Lord Burns’s comments in the House of Lords and decided where hunts do legally kill foxes it is for the purpose of population management and control.


Naturally the League had to object to this debunking of their claims over killing just for sport as it lies at the heart of their manipulation of the public. So they threatened to sue Tim Bonner head of the Countryside Alliance over the matter, he famously told them to go away, which they replied sheepishly, ok.

Extracts from complaint to the charity Commission:

Terry Hill the League against cruel sports monitor of choice is acting out the orders of Robbie Marshland CEO of the League Against cruel Sports, who was reported to have told the court on the 4th Oct 2018 in a Scottish Newspaper – he has hired a team of field workers to covertly film the country’s 10 regular hunts “to check their patterns of behaviour”.


The carefully edited footage triggered by propaganda from the League Against Cruel Sports now appears on their website, without a thorough investigation or validation. The footage usually has come from the more extreme elements and it’s likely they caused the problem for their own purposes by calling the hounds off the trail and huntsman and into the path of a fox with either a gizmo or a horn. This can also cause hounds to stray into unwanted places and on very rare occasions led to the death of family pets. This highly selective editing by fanatics has been exposed on Facebook by a terrier man of the Fife hunt.


Now you have the same information as the Sunday Telegraph I would not like to see the information removed from the Cheshire police website and any such action will be viewed as a deliberate attempt to hide very good advice from the public which is at odds with the purpose of a police crimes commissioner.

If you have any questions or require further clarification please do not hesitate to contact me.

PS A copy of this letter will be sent to the acting police constable and the Sunday telegraph.

68 Years of Cheating & Lying


Animal Rights makes you delusional, a liar and a cheat. Narcissistic personality disorder ensures those affected will want to make themselves feel superior to others so abuse, intimidate, harass and belittle others to give themselves a false sense of superiority, this comes naturally.  They are abusive when things are normal, however, when challenged, they inevitably lose the argument and resort to more of the same abuse. In both situations, (Normality & Challenged),  they resort to one of four insults, you are either a psychopath, bloodthirsty savage or barbarian, pervert or sadist. These are usually used in multiples of two and are interchangeable. Ie Bloodthirsty sadists. It can be said that by its very nature animal rights is a culture of abuse.

All rather dull and immature, these animal rightists were noted as far back as 1951, in a government inquiry, acting in this very primitive manner. The inquiry refused to accept their lies and name calling.


And they lied again to politicians and obtained  the ban, they sent in letters with fairy stories and, embarrassingly, politicians foolishly fell for the lies, one actually  read out a letter in the House of Lords  a0f8f96c-c615-456f-a3cc-071ac91c7a66

It is very apparent they make up what they want to fit their narrative, even if they are present reality becomes distorted,  This was exposed again in 1951, a different generation to now, same old madness and insanity.

This gentleman wrote a letter to the local newspaper alleging that he had seen a live fox thrown to the hounds after it had been dug out, and that “four times one of the huntsmen pulled out the fox from the pack”, and although it was still alive and screaming he deliberately shook it teasingly at the hounds. When the case was heard the evidence showed that a fox had been marked to ground in a drain, and that a local farmer had asked for it to be killed. A terrier (which, it was subsequently found, succeeded in killing the fox) was put into the drain and when it emerged, it was tied to an adjacent gatepost while the fox’s dead body was dug out and given to the hounds in the usual way. While this was going on the terrier yelped continuously, and its cries were apparently interpreted by the defendant for screams from the fox. The gentleman in question no doubt had strong feelings on the issue of cruelty to animals and we are quite sure that he also genuinely believed that he saw what he claimed to have seen. The jury found against him, however, and awarded £1,500 damages to the plaintiff.”

And so onto Scotland in 2019 where the SNP dismissed the evidence from their own review so as to enable them to strengthen the hunting act. They encouraged animal rightists to go into the countryside and harass and bully innocent members of the public by accusing them of illegal hunting and record the reaction for bias press reports. Once these lies were in the public domain they asked the public via an opinion poll consultation if we should further restrict hunting, suggesting the SNP  are as narcissistic and insane as the animal rightists.

A typical skewed animal rightists recording used to dupe the public into supporting the calls to strengthen the act in the opinion poll consultation.

On the FB page accompanying the video was the comment :867bf58b-48cc-4542-9f1f-1e122de1b673

And now for the truth, how embarrassing for them and the SNP.


68 years of cheating, lying and bullying, we must find a way to stop the shenanigans of these lunatics. Recognising animal rights as a mental disorder is a step in the right direction.





We never forgot the bung SNP

They hoped you would forget folks, but we never! We all know animal rights are cheating evil liars along with their politician friends. We know they return every 10 years with more lies to take another bite of the cherry, they need a campaign to line their pockets at your expense, this is all about the welfare of the wallet and has absolutely nothing to do with the welfare of animals.

So the SNP left the decision for as long as possible, they wanted to put distance between a huge embarrassment and the final decision. Every day I walked into work looked at my desktop and there it was as a reminder, ready to be sprung the moment the cheating liars made some kind of an announcement. Yes folks it’s the 10k bung for ban.


Of course we can only surmise they have arranged for more because that’s pepper corn rent compared to the 1 million pound bung Labour took from IFAW/PAL for a hunting ban.

This is what Mr Stanley Johnson, a well-known environmentalist, a senior paid advisor to IFAW and a one time member of the European Parliament had to say on the matter:

“Don’t let anyone tell you this was not a quid pro quo exchange. It was. I have the clearest recollection of having lunch in the garden of my farm in Somerset and answering the telephone from the United States to be informed that IFAW officials had done a deal with Peter Mandelson and Jonathon Powell whereby IFAW would put up one million pounds and the Labour Party would make a manifesto commitment on hunting. I came to the table and announced as much to my horrified guests”

Since then Labour have taken a 250k bung leading up to the 2010 General election and a 250k bung leading up to the 2015 election from the IFAW/Political animal Lobby. Labours claim to fame is they are beating the SNP in the corrupt, racketeering league.

Labour corruption

So what of the evidence they pinned their hopes on? This turned out to have been as corrupt as the bung as shown in a letter sent to Mairi Gougeon on the 2nd Jan 2019. 

Dear Mairi,


During the period of the investigation starting in 2015 into how to find ways to restrict or ban hunting a few very important matters have arisen. I feel it’s never too late to receive and act upon the latest information especially over an issue so divisive as hunting.

The attached report (Charity Commission.pdf) was sent to the Charity Commission on the 6th Dec 2018, they have 30 working days to respond, hence why I cannot give you their response. And of course as I am unaware of the timing of your announcement, I can only provide what I sent for the time being. The report clearly shows the League Against Cruel Sports do not even have a legitimate cause, instead they have a very good PR department disseminating propaganda through the press.

However the information most pertinent for Scotland is the exposure of Prof Stephen Harris since he wrote the report “The utility of killing foxes in Scotland” in 2015. If you recall this was the League Against Cruel Sports claimed scientific evidence and prompted Lord Bonomy’s review. As you will read, Professor Harris was far from impartial and has been generously funded by the animal rights groups for decades. The information in the report (Harris-Final.pdf) culminated in the following Daily Telegraph article.


Noteworthy –  Professor Harris was the lead Author in the Welsh circus review 2016 and this was referenced in the Scottish parliament as providing the welfare concerns to support the ban. Known as the Dorning review after the graduate researcher and not after the lead author.

Another matter of concern that has arisen since 2015 is the discovery of new information showing the League Against Cruel Sports number one and most trusted monitor (Terry Hill) fixed up videos to get circus folk the blame for being cruel to their animals in the nineties, this mischief led to harassment, closure of businesses and a letter bomb.

This discovery caused the COPFS some embarrassment as they had defended Terry Hill as a credible witness in a previous trial that led to the conviction of the Jedforest Huntsmen in 2017. In Oct 2018 Terry Hill gave evidence as the chief witness in the Duke of Buccleuch’s trial at Jedburgh magistrate’s court, the case was adjourned until early Dec 2018 as Hill’s supporting witnesses were unable to attend. During that month long period I provided the COPFS with information including copies of signed witness statements from the nineties showing Hill had staged situations that he would film and get others the blame. I informed the COPFS this information will be placed online for public viewing. 

The COPFS in turn wrote to the defence then discounted Hills evidence, at the trial (Dec 4th 2018) the supporting evidence was not sufficient to gain a conviction and the huntsman acquitted.

Noteworthy – Alison Johnstone MSP of the Green Party claims to have seen a fox chased recently when she went on field trip with a League Against Cruel Sports representative. The League`s representative accompanying her was none other than Terry Hill.

I hope this latest information is of use and please do not hesitate to contact me for further information or clarification.


Why Scottish country folk should learn to hate the SNP

This is the letter rushed out on the 2nd Jan 2019 to the minister in charge of the proposed hunting ban Mairi Gougeon. I heard there was to be an announcement on the hunting ban early in January. It shows even the one conviction against the Jedforest Hunt is highly questionable, regardless Gougeon ploughed on as she really doesn’t give a toss about your jobs and wellbeing as long as she can get one in for her micro cult mates at the League. Of course in 10 years time this same filth will be back looking to take away what remains. They have bills to pay so they have to return with the same old lies and scam, perhaps with Gourgeon as their CEO, a thank you for fixing up the previous wallet lining scam.



Rt Hon Mairi Gougeon MSP


Dear Mairi,

 During the period of the investigation starting in 2015 into how to find ways to restrict or ban hunting a few very important matters have arisen. I feel it’s never too late to receive and act upon the latest information especially over an issue so divisive as hunting.

The attached report (Charity Commission.pdf) was sent to the Charity Commission on the 6th Dec 2018, they have 30 working days to respond, hence why I cannot give you their response. And of course as I am unaware of the timing of your announcement, I can only provide what I sent for the time being. The report clearly shows the League Against Cruel Sports do not even have a legitimate cause, instead they have a very good PR department disseminating propaganda through the press.

However the information most pertinent for Scotland is the exposure of Prof Stephen Harris since he wrote the report “The utility of killing foxes in Scotland” in 2015. If you recall this was the League Against Cruel Sports claimed scientific evidence and prompted Lord Bonomy’s review. As you will read, Professor Harris was far from impartial and has been generously funded by the animal rights groups for decades. The information in the report (Harris-Final.pdf) culminated in the following Daily Telegraph article.


Noteworthy –  Professor Harris was the lead Author in the Welsh circus review 2016 and this was referenced in the Scottish parliament as providing the welfare concerns to support the ban. Known as the Dorning review after the graduate researcher and not after the lead author.

Another matter of concern that has arisen since 2015 is the discovery of new information showing the League Against Cruel Sports number one and most trusted monitor (Terry Hill) fixed up videos to get circus folk the blame for being cruel to their animals in the nineties, this mischief led to harassment, closure of businesses and a letter bomb.

This discovery caused the COPFS some embarrassment as they had defended Terry Hill as a credible witness in a previous trial that led to the conviction of the Jedforest Huntsmen in 2017. In Oct 2018 Terry Hill gave evidence as the chief witness in the Duke of Buccleuch’s trial at Jedburgh magistrate’s court, the case was adjourned until early Dec 2018 as Hill’s supporting witnesses were unable to attend. During that month long period I provided the COPFS with information including copies of signed witness statements from the nineties showing Hill had staged situations that he would film and get others the blame. I informed the COPFS this information will be placed online for public viewing. 

The COPFS in turn wrote to the defence then discounted Hills evidence, at the trial (Dec 4th 2018) the supporting evidence was not sufficient to gain a conviction and the huntsman acquitted.

Noteworthy – Alison Johnstone MSP of the Green Party claims to have seen a fox chased recently when she went on field trip with a League Against Cruel Sports representative. The League`s representative accompanying her was none other than Terry Hill.

I hope this latest information is of use and please do not hesitate to contact me for further information or clarification.

I will also copy this letter and attached reports to the following:

Donald Cameron MSP

Rachael Hamilton MSP

Sheila Voas CVO Scotland

Andrew RT Davis AM

Janet Finch-Saounders AM

Iain Stewart MP

Neil Mackay editor Herald

Jamie Stewart Scots CA

Ken Stephen SGA