Tetbury Town Council in favour of animal rights extremists

Bawtry town council took the common sense approach this year after the three members of the Grove and Rufford hunt were acquitted and have allowed the hunt to meet there this Boxing Day. At least they had a semi plausible excuse to suspend the hunt for a year because of potential criminal convictions unlike Tetbury Town council, they have rolled over and given themselves to the devil.

The latest activities of the animal rights fundamentalists suggests a new pattern is beginning to emerge and this is largely down to the impotence of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party. With little chance of Labour gaining power the extremists have turned their attention to local councils to further their agenda. In the last few weeks for instance Mark Glover head of Respect for Animals had secured a debate at Peterborough town council against the use of fur products, this was cancelled until the New Year.

Worryingly Tetbury Town Council appear to have taken leave of their senses and gone down that slippery slope into animal rights fundamentalism. The language they use, the unswerving ‘belief’ in false information and the promotion of animal rights fake news is all too apparent for a highly suspicious public.

Tetbury Town Council already know the men at the centre of their new found belief, Peter Martin and his sidekick Chris Giles are extremists. These two raised the concern over health and safety in line with Martin’s new found venture surrounding circumventing the government’s new gagging order and findings other ways for charities to protest. It says so on Peter Martins LinkedIn account.

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Naturally this will involve targeting councils over some worthless concern that can be grossly exaggerated, in the case of the Beaufort hunt and the New Year’s Day meet at Rail Lands the excuse surrounded our good old friend, Health and Safety. As Martin was once a town councillor for Tetbury he will have contacts and no doubt nurtured animal rights extremist views into others. It’s clear from his Twitter posting a plan of action with the help of others involved creating a domino effect in other councils, once the ban had been secured by Tetbury TC. An embarrassing failure when you consider the very next council to act was Bawtry.

squecky bumb

If we now examine the language used during the debate as given by Peter Martin in an online article it appears to have similarities to that of the fake news propagated by the League Against cruel Sports. They always write about what people ‘believe’ because they can control or assume that without consequence.


“Town councils in particular simply assume what they are doing is not legal but acceptable in the countryside”

This all very odd, Peter Martin is a onetime chairmen of the charity the Badger Trust, and claims to be working on developing a new strategy for charities to circumvent Government regulations and yet he fails to remind a Town council of the basic requirement of a charity and their obligation of being a public benefit.

Charity Commission rules for a public benefit:

“any detriment or harm that results from the purpose (to people, property or the environment) must not outweigh the benefit – this is also based on evidence and not on personal views”

A charity just can’t assume, they have to know pretty much as fact. A complaint has been registered with the charity commission against the League Against Cruel Sports for using similar language in a fake news blitz against the National Trust.

Perhaps if Mr Martin had spent more time reading Charity Commission rules and guidelines instead of trolling Tim Bonner, the head of the Countryside Alliance a raised eyebrow would not be in order.


A number of Tetbury town councillors forwarded the lame excuse of potential public disorder if the meet went ahead at Rail lands and showed all the sighs of extremist appeasing surrender monkeys. Hugely embarrassing for Gloucester law enforcement that town councillors have so little faith in their ability they think they could not police a chip shop queue.


This brings me on to colluding with Tetbury Town Council to generate fake news on behalf of the extremists – It should be noted, what happened with the National Trust has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Tetbury Town Council. The facts show the National Trust taking a stoic stance in the face of cheats and liars using every dirty underhand trick in the book to harass and abuse them.

Timeline of deceit

  • During the run up to the vote to allow hunting on their land. The National Trust were alerted and horrified to find a report with a League Against Cruel Sports web address was viewable to the public giving the impression it was written with their knowledge and consent. They had no idea it existed until that point and it was obviously being used to manipulate, galvanise and recruit extremists
  • https://www.league.org.uk/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=1ffe56d3-1494-4b69-af0ad4380e39d564


  • The National Trust were then informed that the Author of the report played a pivotal role in achieving a hunt ban and yet was caught out twisting information to help in its introduction. He wrote another report during that period that received a complaint, pulling no punches, from another academic to a government inquiry.


  • Complaint – ‘This has been a continuing problem with misinterpretation of my data that apparently began with an anti-hunting group in the U.S. That group’s web page attributed changes recorded in trapped foxes to changes in foxes chased by dogs. This is blatantly incorrect and, I suspect, wilfully done.’




  • At the start of this whole episode the National Trust were advised animal rights extremists would put them under extreme pressure in the lead up to their hunting vote and throw every cheating lie at them including bent polls and fake petitions.

Given Tetbury Town council now know the facts surrounding the National Trust’s defiant stance against the cheats, liars and charlatans from the animal rights brigade I expect a fully rounded public apology to them. Otherwise the actions of Tetbury Town Council can only be viewed by the public as nothing more than a bunch of animal rights ‘nutters’ maliciously generating fake news to further their own fundamentalist agenda.