Department for Environment, Food & Animal Rights

A disturbing article explaining how Tony Blair of the Labour Party achieved more for rural affairs than 10 years of Tory rule and Boris Johnson.

Understand DEFRA or the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs is no more. The new name we think most appropriate is the Department for Environment, Food & Animal Rights, DEFAR.

It was under Tony Blair’s premiership the name changed from MAFF to DEFRA, it was decided we needed to include the ‘Environment’ and ‘Rural Affairs’ in the name hence the change. Surprisingly, the urbanite Blair with his urban-based support and membership of the London Islington set did go a long way to ensuring stability and safety in rural affairs.

This is despite the fact it was under his leadership that fox-hunting was banned, although he did admit later he bitterly regretted that move. But it’s to his credit he did realise it’s not fair to call out fox hunting as wrong while gangs of anti-hunt thugs and criminals are marauding the country planting bombs specifically targeting hunts, it was reported 30 in one year alone. Other gangs from inner cities spilled out into the countryside each weekend looking for a punch up with perceived toffs and websites broadcast the names/addresses and businesses of those that went hunting purely for the purposes of intimidation.

Hunt workers were phoned in the middle of the night and a constant stream of false deliveries were forever being turned away. Huntsmen adapted in the midst of this hatred, one example of which is that they had a special code to give the local takeaways when ordering.

Not only did Blair ban the old way of hunting he had busted a whole bloody lot of anti-hunting trouble makers as well.

On top of that, a police infiltration unit was left in place to ensure the cancer did not return soon after and for a whole decade it worked perfectly until they were disbanded.

During this happy period of stability, free from the extremists and criminals, hunts developed their new but forced trail-hunting largely hassle free. Farmers could take on part time workers without the worry they were an animal rights ‘plant’ that when his back turned would kick and beat livestock in front of a strategically placed camera for fake news.

Tony Blair of the Labour Party was never going to win the countryside vote as a result of the hurt we felt for banning hunting but he did give us 10 years hassle free trail-hunting. Whatever people think, he does deserve some credit for looking after rural affairs.

Contrast that to the Tories, they’ve been propped up in government by its countryside vote for the last decade, surely they should have looked to improve the situation for its bedrock support?

Sadly not, the gangs of vicious marauding thugs and criminals are back trespassing and going where they please on farmland. This photo was taken on a Thursday when law abiding citizens are normally at work.

Trackers are now fitted to hunt people’s cars, allowing criminals to follow their movements. How terrifying that they know where you are at any time and when your house is open to burglary. Not forgetting the obvious threat of following people up dark alleyways mob-handed or damaging the car with paint stripper away from the gaze of cameras.

Judging by comments made on social media it is perfectly acceptable to threaten death to women and children for going on a legal trail-hunt. It won’t be long before some triggered maniac starts planting the bombs again instead of trackers. And then there is the mass trespass on farms by activists. The cameras are back with bogus workers kicking animals and farmers are even prevented from going to market with their produce.

History has proved irrefutably if you don’t act quickly matters escalate and turn very toxic, after all we are talking about criminals that can make money from selling lies on Facebook and single issue left wing thugs that just hate people.

So exactly what have the Tories, Boris and his chums at DEFAR, done to combat this huge growth in countryside anarchic practices?

  • A consultation on primates as pets, I kid you not, this effects literally nobody, and it’s a favour for Zac Goldsmith’s chum Dr Alison Cronin down at Monkey World.
  • A consultation on Trophy Hunting, which is about the UK telling poorer nations how to look after their wild animals after we wiped most of ours out and has roots in colonialism.
  • They banned wild animals in circuses after ignoring the world’s leading scientists on animal welfare and to top that now Boris’ partner, Carrie, is getting dragged into court to explain her part in meddling and preventing a badger cull in Derbyshire.

So far Boris thanks for absolutely bloody nothing and DEFAR you’ve earned your name, I hope it sticks.