Government/DEFRA support for animal rights extremists & terrorists

I am not sure if many of you know but the Government are currently investigating extremism in the country. If they are going to be entirely honest which I very much doubt, the conclusion should be politicians are largely responsible for this countries extremism.


Mps claiming folk are racist bigots because they voted to leave the EU

Mps claiming folk are thick because they voted to leave the EU

The continued stream of smear stories that malign specific groups in the press by extremists groups in league with politicians promoting their agenda.

When politicians start name calling they are showing themselves up as nothing more than immature adults exhibiting extremists traits. They excuse this disgusting infantile behaviour as an expression of free speech. Naturally those labelled thick bigoted racist are now seething with discontent and hatred they were asked to vote, they in turn only did what the politician asked of them and exercised their hard fought, democratic right. They now find themselves labeled and abused by the politician and counter these very personal attacks by going online and venting their anger with the social media tools provided to them. All manner of expletives and derogatory remarks are directed at the politician who in spectacular volte face claim we should do something about the online extremists.

Then we have the extremist groups pretending/passing themselves of as charities or NGOs, they rely solely on newspaper propaganda for their campaigns. They set up and invent stories that set off a string of bitterness and resentment in the public.  Either carefully targeted mugs with outrage issues are triggered and take to social media with abusive comments or those affected by the maligning react in a similar manner to their abusers.

Of course as we know animal rights is the go to cause for politicians as they want to be seen as cute cuddly animal lovers. Naturally where ever a politician goes these days, as we have just seen, they spread hate and extremism, so no wonder animal rights is in the top five of witnessed extremism in a recent consultation.


A perfect example of this extremism can be seen recently by the actions of DEFRA, Michael Gove and Lord Gardiner Of Kimble. They knew all along the circuses were set up by ADI using cameraman Terry Hill (League Against Cruel Sports hunt monitor), they knew this led to 20 years of abuse and harassment involving a letter bomb sent to circus folk also thousands of poison pen letters, letters containing razor blades and a jar of jam laced with arsenic. Off the back of this information they insisted countless times during various committee stages the circus folk look after their animal very well and love them very much. So with absolutely no reason whatsoever to ban wild animals in circuses they  fulfill the wishes of the extremists and terrorists by passing a ban making them just as culpable, the politicians have now become the criminals.

But they live in a bubble they won’t see themselves as the criminals or terrorist sympathisers, instead they will hide behind the excuse they took advice from the charities and NGOs, they kindly call these groups ‘stakeholders’. (example: OneKind, LACS, IFAW, RSPCA, ADI, Born Free, BAWC etc)   Only thanks to the Southall Black Sisters and their submission to the extremists consultation that pathetic excuse is now dead in the water and ‘parasites’ would be a more appropriate name.

Fact is politicians are responsible for the vast majority of extremism in this country and if the report does not conclude that then it a complete whitewash.





Business opportunities from DEFRA

With Brexit and the business uncertainty that brings we can offer a new and exciting range of opportunities for the criminally minded.

We have a range of packages to offer, starting with the basic package we move through the mid-range up to our gold plated premier package. The gold plate package guarantees 20 years of income while we spin yarns to farmers about how we will look after them as they are harassed, bullied and intimidated and labelled out dated and cruel in the press.

How it works – The latest computer modelling has shown farmers can be a rich source of income. The vast majority of this country eat a daily portion of meat to stay alive. The farmers provide them with this life saving diet making them a perfect target for fraudsters and extremist.

Your franchised role – All you need do is setup situations, for instance, covertly install cameras in cow sheds then send in a part time worker undercover to start kicking the cows when nobody else is around. Now show the left wing press your footage, they have been paid up front to lap up these stories. Bingo! The money just rolls in from the gullible public.

Now watch with great amusement while the unsuspecting and bewildered farmer gets labelled cruel and barbaric in the papers. His children can get harassed on social media and with any luck triggered extremists might send them a letter bomb or jar of jam laced with arsenic. You can chuckle like never before as the gullible public write their outrage to their MPS. They in turn announce in the press action must be done against these cruel barbaric farmers and their ‘outdated Victorian practices’.

Where we can help – In desperation targeted farmers will turn to us for advice and support. We can assure them it will be ok and advise all they need do is keep quiet, keep their heads down and don’t talk to the press about any setup. We can keep this yarn going for about 20 years, yes that 20 years of income you can milk from this scam. We will draw to a close the scam after this period with a ban because folk realise they have been duped by us and start going public with the fabrications and lies.

Testimonies – Just look at the circuses, we kept ADI, Born Free, RSPCA, Freedom for Animals and the Captive Animals protection society awash with cash for decades. As the circuses were being stitched up with faked video, lies in the press and bent science they turned to us for help. We then just strung them along for 20 years telling them everything will be ok just don’t tell the press about your maligning.

Think of it folks that’s 20 years you could be filling your bank accounts with public donations. So don’t delay, scam today!

For further advise and information contact criminal gang boss and terrorist sympathiser Lord Gardiner of Kimble at DEFRA.  Gang master Licensing abuse(GLAA)

For setting up cameras in barns contact the League Against Cruel Sports and ask for Mr T Hill.


Animal Rights Criminals, still safe under Boris

The 24th July 2019 will go down in history as a day of infamy. It should have been a celebration of Conservatism and traditional family values as Boris Johnson took the keys of Number 10.  Instead it plummeted to the depths of depravity as Conservatives handed over democracy to the terrorists and criminal thugs  from the left wing animal rights brigade.

Last ditch attempts to halt the ban on the use of wild animals in circuses were made in writing to Mr Speaker. He was very genuine and expressed concern at what he read and sent a letter to Michael Gove, Defra Minister, asking for a response over this very serious matter. Only Michael Gove did not give a toss, he along with his criminal side-kick buddy, Lord Gardiner of Kimble, had both known for ages that circuses had been maligned with fabrications and couldn’t care less if peoples lives had been ruined.

The logic was there in mind for good honest Folk  – Fox Hunts and the shooting fraternity had being suffering horrendously at the hands of the cheating scheming left wing liars who fake videos in a bid to give themselves a cause from which to milk cash from the unsuspecting public. Butchers and slaughter houses have been targeted and farmers harassed by fraudsters trying to set up cameras in their cow sheds or blocking their route to market. It was the perfect time to turn around and stick those twisted, fabricated motives for any kind of ban on circuses and shove them right back down the throat of Jan Creamer from ADI’s and her nasty chums at Born Free & IFAW. 

The opportunity was huge for the Tories to win back the hearts and minds of those vast numbers wavering at the concern at their inaction against the extremists in the countryside. They could legitimately go after one man in particular, expose him for setting up the circuses and reveal his links to the despised League Against Cruel Sports. In doing so bring down a whole corrupt criminal empire currently waging a war of attrition against some of its most ardent supporters and their businesses.

And what did did the gutless criminal and terrorist sympathiser Michael Gove do?

He was busy getting bank rolled by Ben Goldsmith and taking his cash for a ban. As for his criminal side kick Lord Gardiner of Kimble? I have no idea why he was so supportive, perhaps Goldsmith had promised he wouldn’t get his cheating mates to set up cameras in Farmer Kimble’s cow sheds.

Enter Boris Johnstone to Number 10 with a very faint nod to fighting extremists including hunt saboteurs only there is an elephant in the room in the shape of Carrie Symonds and she is an animal rights fanatic.

What difference could that make to a PM you might ask? David Cameron was PM and knew from 2001 onwards the circuses had been setup by ADI with faked videos, he held off a ban until he could use it as a bargaining chip to appease the extremists. And that’s without the presence of a fanatical female, with keys to a set of drawers.

As I wrote this, doubts began to spread in my mind about Boris, then bang on cue, Zac Goldsmith the mouthpiece for all those disgusting groups that fabricate evidence to smear good people to line their wallets with the gold of the gullible gets appointed to DEFRA. His fanatical brother is already on the board appointed by none other than Michael Gove.

One bastard walks in another bastard walks out. (Tuco, The good the bad & the Ugly)

If you want to fight the disgusting criminals spreading like a cancer through the echelons of authority then please watch this video and remember. You have to fight for what you have lost to hold onto what you have now.



So what’s going on with these raptors deaths?

So what’s going on with these raptors deaths?

Some of the younger members of the shooting community will not remember the Hunting debate from 1997 – 2005 and far too many older members of the shooting community fell for the lie that shooting would be safe after the hunting ban was implemented. As a consequence they didn’t follow the proceedings of the biggest load of bullshit in political history and so believe everything that is going on now is new. Well it’s not, it’s the same old same.

Animal rights groups are control freaks, they need to be in control of every situation, so forty years ago they sat down and devised a strategy where they are always in control with a wallet busting campaign and they also get to legitimately abuse and smear those people they absolutely hate, hence why shooting was always on the agenda. They worked out how to manipulate and play politicians, public and even the courts through the press and media. Remember a lot of the stories, they actually pay for.

So they fabricate a story in the press, this causes outrage amongst the public they in turn write to the MP, the MP raises the concern in parliament, Job done.

However the control is wrestled away from them when a government calls for an independent review or inquiry and Alan Werrittys is not long off reporting his findings and they know he will not report too favourably for their side. There is a very simple reason why this is the case – Academics or Lords chosen to lead reviews automatically dismiss the bullshit fake news stories that have been generated in the press to fool the masses and instead turn to qualified peer reviewed evidence from experts in their chosen field.

So to combat this loss of control they increase in both number and visual intensity their fabricated news stories just before the report findings are announced. This causes the public to write their disgust to the politician demanding action, they in turn will view the bias carefully edited evidence and seek advice on the report from just the animal rights groups who are now at liberty to cherry pick the report to fit the narrative.

SEE HOW IT WORKS, BRILLIANT eh? You didn’t honestly think politicians would read and understand that report themselves did you?

HOW DO I KNOW? It’s all been done before. The Burns inquiry in 2000, the whole drive in 1997 to ban hunting aside from a million bung from IFAW into Labours coffers was the announcement of ‘Scientific’ research proving the cruelty of hunting by animal rights groups. That piece of fake news on the science worked until it was tested at an independent government inquiry led by Lord Burns. The ‘scientific’ research turned out to be complete tosh and was going to be announced as such by Jack Straw in Parliament. He was going to say there is no scientific evidence proving hunting cruel, what happened the weekend before. BOOM – ‘Vets say fox hunted foxes die in agony’ screamed the headline. A complete fabrication, but it smothered Jack straws announcement showing they were lying in the first place.

So Labour politicians became deluged with sacks full of letters from the same old fanatics expressing outrage and what ‘Vets’ had said. They also read the headline then sort to consult with just the animal rights groups who cherry picked the Burns report to death leaving whole swathes of conclusion out to fit their narrative.

As an example, animal rights groups will cherry pick this as the conclusion:

6.60 Our tentative conclusion is that lamping using rifles, if carried out properly and in appropriate circumstances, has fewer adverse welfare implications than hunting, including digging-out.

The full conclusion is actually:

6.60 Our tentative conclusion is that lamping using rifles, if carried out properly and in appropriate circumstances, has fewer adverse welfare implications than hunting, including digging-out. However, in areas where lamping is not feasible or safe, there would be a greater use of other methods. We are less confident that the use of shotguns, particularly in daylight, is preferable to hunting from a welfare perspective. We consider that the use of snaring is a particular cause for concern.

As you can see for yourselves, you could be persuaded to ban hunting on the top cherry picked conclusion, not so the full conclusion.

That’s how it works folks, that’s what you are up against, a carefully oiled slick marketing machine that has just made mugs out of so many of you already.