DEFRA Support Elephant Murder

Great title folks, don’t you think? The language of animal rights thrown right back in the faces of this government department that ever since Zac Goldsmith appeared morphed into the Ministry of Animal Rights.

And we have another puffin-gate on our hands folks, this time though, its elephant-gate. As usual it involves Zac Goldsmith, DEFRA and the Daily Telegraph’s Helen Horton along with ABTA, the leading travel agents association, although I would have thought their hands would be full with Thomas Cook. Alas animal rights fundamentalism will always put animals before human suffering and misery.

The story can be found below, but here is a big hint to Helen Horton as a journalist you could at least get a comment from the other side to give a balanced view. But oh no, what we get is rants from three well known animal rights groups and their biggest supporter Zac Goldsmith.

Are you sure you want to be associated to this farce ABTA?

So I’m going to even this fake news story up with some truth. By sheer chance Professor Ted Friend wrote to me in May and told me of his visit to Zimbabwe to assist in business workshops which had the purpose of finding a business model that would combat the wealthy western animal rights groups over elephant rides.

These animal rights groups have infiltrated their own western governments in the form of NGOs (IFAW etc.) and now use politicians (Zac Goldsmith) to bully the poorer African nations and their people.

This is what he wrote, so the only other option is to euthanize the Elephants, YES DEFRA SUPPORT ELEPHANT MURDER

“I was in Zimbabwe for 2 weeks a few weeks ago for a similar issue on elephants – fantastic adventure. Had to ask some of the Brits to speak slower because they were butchering the Queens English so much I could not understand them.

Starting 20 years ago when there was a major culling of elephants at their parks because of over population, people with land agreed to rescue some of the very young elephants that were not shot. Some of those elephants were bottle-raised and still the private guys take in the occasional baby whose Mum was poached.  Training those elephants from when they were young to give rides was very easy – just like starting a young horse.  Giving tourists elephant rides out into the bush to see the game and the occasional wild elephant generated money to pay for the care of the elephants and the elephants seem to enjoy the walks.  But now our activist friends have labelled riding elephants as the number 1 cruellest thing a tourist can do.  Operations like Shearwater (google them), I stayed at an old hunting lodge property where they keep their rescued elephants and give rides, also have white water rafting, bungee jumping (not my cup of tea), safaris using vehicles, helicopter rides, etc., for tourists.  But the activists are pressuring British booking agents not to book anything with any operation that is giving elephant rides, and the diverse operations with elephants rides are in trouble. 

So, we had a 3 day workshop trying to help get southern Africa operators organized and form an animal welfare assurance and certification program. They can’t turn their elephants back to the wild because there are too many elephants and their tame ones will head to the nearest town and raid gardens.   IF the assurance scheme and distancing themselves from their elephants by making their elephant operation into a non-profit with a different name does not work, I could see where, as a business, it would be best to just euthanize your elephants.  These elephant ride places also employ a huge number of locals, in a country with 80% unemployment.   AT least 3 handlers follow the herd around 24/7 to move them to fresh grazing and defend them from wild elephants that come through.”


The Climate Change Kids

IMG_8625The former Secretary General CITES.

So the pampered kids across the westernised world have gone on strike? Meanwhile the majority of not so privileged kids are burning wood and fossil fuels to prevent starvation. If ever you could invent two opposites to show the absurdity of money and wealth against poverty that’s it right there.

Of course this problem of climate change is somewhat different to the threat we faced growing up but nonetheless very similar in that they both predicted the end of civilisation. Then, it was the Russians that were going to invade with their nuclear bombs and blow us all to kingdom-come. Constant reminders were ever present in the newspapers of our jets being scrambled to face off the Russian bear bombers making incursions into our air space, now that was a real worry for an adolescent. Compare that to some pasty faced Goth on social media extolling the virtues of a meatless world free from cow farts. And yet we were never seriously affected, you see whenever I broached the subject of being vaporised to my father he would laugh and just say, not your worry son, go and play football and enjoy yourself, plenty of time to worry about that later on life.

My father was bang on, world problems are for adults to worry about and any good parent would not pass these terrifying problems down to a young mind. It will ruin them for life and lead to all sorts of personality disorders. If you don’t already know, only psychopaths are born, your sociopaths and narcissists are products of abuse from everyday life and thanks to poor parenting they are manufacturing mini Hitler’s at an alarming rate.

We are now at a point the brainwashed kids of the eighties have reproduced and their offspring gone through ‘woke’ left wing educational centres run by their brainwashed parents, what a bloody mess.

I once had the delight of talking to a student of one of the chief academic indoctrinators. Even though he was a pathological liar, she remained unsullied by his nonsense, she was a wise country girl and knew he was making it up. This particular academic invented the idea foxes don’t need controlling as they control their own numbers. This fantasy he spun to greedy charities looking for campaigns from which to make money, they willingly took hold of the baton and ran with the notion to already brainwashed MPs. Naturally the academic in question made a tidy sum of money, after all this is what this is all about, the cash. He remained in this position of indoctrination for over 40 years and was able to spin that yarn to at least one hundred impressionable students every year. That was some of the next generation of teachers and environmentalists taken care of, very clever.

I spoke to his student, she told me I “I knew he wasn’t telling the truth, I would sit there and think he has got it all wrong but I could never speak up as you don’t question your lecturer”. The student, now a mature young lady, is now aware of his fanaticism and thinks that silence was the best option as he probably would not have passed her if he knew she came from a hunting family.

So there we have it, sadly the truth stays safely tucked away with those that already know while the bullshit is preached to the gullible.

Defra, Zac & Animal Rights

David Cameron became MP for Witney in June 2001 and one of the first letters he received was from beleaguered circus folk explaining their horror at the way they had been maligned with faked videos by animal rights groups. Using bogus workers the animal rights groups were able to setup situations that gave the impression circus folk were cruel to their animals.

Against a backdrop of such skulduggery, why then in 2010 would he be persuaded to start off the mechanisms of parliament to forward a ban on wild animals in circuses, surely he would be looking at ways to curtail the viciousness and skulduggery of the animal rights groups?

We believe we may have the answer – Zac Goldsmith is an animal rights fanatic and very rich, he has a history of unswerving support for the circus maligners Animal Defenders International (ADI) and IFAW, he was photographed outside the Tory Conference in 1998 alongside Boris Johnson and Jan Creamer, ADI’s CEO. He has since joined them on many occasions spearheading the campaign to ban wild animals in circuses and is seen in a photo outside parliament in a Country Squire Article Animal Rights Criminality – Part 2. On the 15th May 2019 he was the keynote speaker at IFAW`s 50th year celebrations and spoke of his long term support for them.


Interestingly during the investigation for this article the name Boris Johnson came up, the new Prime Minister. His dad was a prominent figure in pushing for the ban on wild animals in circuses and so was Boris’s girlfriend Carrie Symonds.


Zac Goldsmith has now been promoted to Minister of State at the Department for Environment which gives him authority over the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), the Government advisors on Trophy hunting. Guess what Zac, Carrie Symonds and Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley, are campaigning against? Yes, Trophy Hunting.

Not really surprising if you consider Stanley Johnston worked for IFAW for over 15 years earning between £70,000 – £80,000 per annum.

But isn’t this all a bit blatant I hear you ask? Well yes and no, for Zac is no fool, before coming an MP he spent a great deal of time wooing the Conservatives. He changed his donations from the green party to the Conservative Party and even hosted hunt meets. This is a recollection from a hunts master now based in Scotland.

“Zac Goldsmith is another the Spooners and west Dartmoor used to meet and hunt at Walredden Manor which he eventually sold, look it up, for over a million. It was a second home. He was very welcoming had fishing and stalking there and a farm and farm manager. There freezers were full of his own lamb which every year his cook would restock we were given the contents from the year before for the hounds. Just saying he is a country man a grand chap.”

Zac and his brother Ben started off the political donations to the green party



Quite how the Tory shires would have taken to him if he had announced his support for IFAW at one of the hunt meets he was hosting. If you recall IFAW are the ones that gave the Labour party a one million pound ‘bung’ to ban hunting and also funded bent science reports with twisted data on the all-important subject of cruelty. This twisting of data gave Labour their excuse to push for a ban and is why IFAW and are so despised in the countryside.

As we were investigating Zacs’ links to animal rights groups we stumbled on an article that first appeared in the Ecologist in Feb 2005, more importantly Zac was editor of this magazine at the time. The article called ‘Time For a New Ecology Party’ and written by Aiden Rankin talks about greens jettisoning the  ‘Manifesto for Sustainable Stalinism’

‘Liberation from the left would enable the Greens to emerge as the party of genuine diversity and choice in real contrast to the post-Thatcherite Tories and New Labour and their pale imitations of these ideas. In short, the Greens should jettison much of their ‘Manifesto for Sustainable Stalinism’.

So it would appear this was Zac’s game plan all along and the Tory heartlands fell for Zac Goldsmith hook line and sinker. Now he is in a position to forward his animal rights agenda and defend the animal rights lobby groups as a good Tory as I recently found out.

I had complained to DEFRA about one of Zac’s favoured animal rights group and their lobbying of parliament even though they had used a paid plaintiff previously.

“Tom Rider was found to be a perjurer and paid plaintiff, and certain animal rights groups thereafter were ordered to pay millions in damages.”–bailey-circus-settlement-185046751.html

Zac Goldsmith is the man to respond now and defend his animal rights groups from a position of authority. He responded by ignoring all of my complaints and then listed Animal Defenders International, the circus maligners, alongside the BVA and RSPCA in his response giving them unwarranted credibility.

“……not only did the Government recommend animal welfare and veterinary groups, such as the RSPCA, the British Veterinary Association and Animal Defenders International”

But that’s not all, this ‘infiltration’ into Tory acceptability after supporting and donating to the left wing greens came at a price. A price the Tories found very acceptable, over 500k will do them nicely.



Calor Gas Shoot Themselves in the Foot

Unbelievable but true:

Calor gas suppliers to many game farms of gas bottles to keep game bird chicks warm have donated money to the League Against Cruel Sports. And just when you think you you could not get it more wrong, the donation was made to a rural community initiative where the League are least welcome as part of the rural community.


Could it get any worse? Of course it can, here is Terry Hill of the League Against Cruel Sports apparently exposing game farms with all those bottles of  Calor gas.

Here is Terry  Hill working on the orders of Robbie Marsland CEO of the League Against Cruel Sports getting caught red handed trying to setup a hunt with vexatious allegations in Scotland by claiming ‘no guns in the area”.

Complain here:



Why Politicians Support Animal Rights


The majority of normal people in the western world are brought up to give some respect to other folk’s views and opinions. We take folk at face value and give them the benefit of the doubt, why would folk want to deliberately mislead us?

I would walk the dog and just occasionally the differing views concerning fox hunting would emerge and I would shake my head and think, oh well it’s their view and they are entitled to it. What I struggled with though is why anyone would have such strong opinions based on faked videos, graphics or literature without first researching the facts.

Case proven thanks to Prof Adam Hart:



Hurray for the Social Media revolution, at last here was my opportunity to better inform the manipulated and gullible, simply write a blog, back it up with facts and references, drop this into animal rights fanatics social media timeline and hey presto, a better informed individual, or so I thought.

Despite my best efforts I was still a sadistic, perverted, bloodthirsty savage or barbarian and so it was back to the drawing board or in my case stumbling around a field with the dog, deep in thought over where I had gone wrong. Then one day I had a light bulb moment, what if it’s not me and the good awful truth, what if the problem is with them. So I went home and for the first time in my life started checking their behaviour patterns against personality disorders and it was not long before Narcissism became the prime candidate.

“The lowest of the low resort to narcissistic rage in the form of name-calling when they can’t think of a better way to manipulate your opinion or micromanage your emotions. Name-calling is a quick and easy way to put you down, degrade you and insult your intelligence, appearance or behaviour while invalidating your right to be a separate person with a right to his or her perspective”

Name-calling can also be used to criticize your beliefs, opinions and insights. A well-researched perspective or informed opinion suddenly becomes “silly” or “idiotic” in the hands of a malignant narcissist or sociopath who feels threatened by it and cannot make a respectful, convincing rebuttal. Rather than target your argument, they target you as a person and seek to undermine your credibility and intelligence in any way they possibly can”

It became fairly obvious narcissism is key – Narcissists use fake graphics and videos to target those with multiple disorders i.e catastrophizing disorder.  They know they will ‘outrage’ and spread the lies and fakery still further without question. So what we think is a fanatics opinion is nothing more than a clever marketing technique targeting the right sort of person to spread lies. And of course the narcissists will never see and accept the truth due to their confirmation bias, in short they only concern themselves with information that support their view, they will never listen to what others have to say.

This becomes very disturbing when these people are allowed to force their targeted marketing opinions on the populace. These opinions lead to campaigns that lead to legislation that can and does destroy peoples lives. It all makes sense, animal rights groups have always been weighed down with lies, sleaze and corruption.

But a new question emerges, what stable-minded politician would want to be seen supporting such odious pond life?  – Here we are in 2019 and Mairi Gougeon MSP on Twitter is announcing the SNP are going to bow to the demands of the League against Cruel Sports and further restrict hunting against all the evidence from a review. The circuses have all been banned, despite the scientific evidence being in their favour and the animal rights science publicly debunked. The faked videos used to malign the circuses were also publicly exposed as tosh.

And now we have a Ministry of Animal Rights in the form of DEFRA, They appear to be taking direct instruction from animal rights NGOs, its very a clever ploy, basically the UK taxpayer gets to fund the campaigns of the NGOs while they sit back and collect donations.  Recently a DEFRA worker was given credit for changing the stance of representations from western european nations on the exporting of elephant calves to Asian Zoos, thus blocking the exports. DEFRA now appear to be at the forefront of the campaign to ban trophy hunting AKA big game hunting or at least the importing of the taxidermy.  And now DEFRA have a minister of whaling, although we  don’t have a whaling fleet, the ministers job is to sling mud at Japan. 

So back to the original question – What stable-minded politician would want to be seen supporting such odious pond life?

Thank  you Jackie Kensler for the answer.
